Please complete the following checklist before submitting a request:

  1. Are you looking for a classical piece? We don't do those here. Check out the FAQ page for more info.

  2. Check for your song on the sheets page. Use your browser's built in search function by pressing Ctrl+F on your keyboard.

    Even though the songs on the sheets page are arranged alphabetically by artist, I sometimes have to make executive decisions as to where to place them. For example, Marshmello & Halsey's Be Kind is listed under "M" although you could argue it should be under "H" for Halsey. Another example is bands that start with "The" are usually placed under the corresponding letter of the next word in the band title. For example, The Fray is listed under "F" and The Weeknd is listed under "W." To make sure you haven't missed anything it is best to do a search of the page.

  3. Check the books & themes page. The song you are looking for might be included in one the books. Click to expand the track listings of each book by clicking on the SONG LIST + button.

  4. Do a simple google search. A lot of people don't know how to use some of google's advanced search options - the filetype option will forever change your life. This is how I would usually go about doing this:

    Example google search

    Example: If you're looking for John Lennon's Imagine your search would look like this:

    Example John Lennon google search

If you still can't find the piece you are looking for after going through these steps - feel free to contact me!