How do I download from MEGA.nz?
How can I submit my own sheets to this site?
What are books?
Do you take requests?
I absolutely love your site, how can I contribute?
What are some other ways I can help?
Why isn't there any classical sheet music on this site?
What about sheet music from video games?

How do I download from MEGA.nz? MEGA Download

MEGA.nz is a cloud storage service focused on security that offers users excellent end-to-end encryption. When you get to MEGA.nz you will see a green download button. Click on the button. You will see a status bar at the top of the page that shows the file transferring. The time it takes to transfer depends on the size of the file. Once this is complete, a window should open where you can choose where to place your downloaded file on your harddrive. Save the file and you're done. That's it. If you want to make a free account you can get 50GB of cloud storage for free and you will have the option of importing the files directly into your own account. Please contact me if you come across any dead or broken links and I will re-upload them as soon as I possibly can.

How can I submit my own sheets to this site?

If you would like to help out and submit your own sheets to be added on this site, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. If you are in possession of sheets that already have a home on this site, but yours are of better quality, I would gladly take those as well. If you don't know how to combine the sheets into a .pdf file, that's okay too. I can take care of all of that for you. Also, if you have any rare or exclusive sheet music resources that I might not know about please let me know!

What are books?

Books have more than one song included in them. They usually have the same song list as their corresponding album. The downside to books is the file size is larger, and therefore an outside file-sharing service (like DropAPK) is currently necessary to host them.

Do you take requests?

For the time being - yes! I would be happy to help you look for a sheet, although I can not guarantee that it will be found. However, if the demand gets too high I may have to stop. Anyone who has donated or has helped the site out in some way obviously gets precedence. You can submit your requests via e-mail. Please include the word "request" in the subject line.

I absolutely love your site, how can I contribute?

As you may have noticed, there is a button to donate at the bottom left-hand corner of each page. Simply click this button and choose the amount you would like to donate. Donations of any amount are accepted and greatly appreciated. This site stays alive because of those who are gracious enough to donate. If you would prefer not to use PayPal please contact me and other arrangements can be made. Thank you!

What are some other ways I can help?

This website is very much in need of free, reliable web hosting. This would speed up the site, make it more reliable, and would also allow me to host nearly all of the sheets directly on the site, without relying on outside file-hosting services like MEGA.nz. In addition, premium accounts to sites like Scribd.com or any of the popular sheet music sites would be extremely helpful and make my life a whole lot easier. Also, if anyone would be interested in advertising on the site please contact me.

Why isn't there any classical sheet music on this site?

Most classical sheet music is in the public domain and there are already some very good resources to find and download classical sheets. One of these resources, which I definitely recommend, is The Petrucci Music Library. They have over a hundred thousand works from thousands of composers. If you still can't find the piece you are looking for, you might want to check out this article for a list of some other sites where you can find free printable classical sheet music.

What about sheet music from video games?

As is the case with classical sheet music, there are already some good sites where you can find sheet music to video games as well. I recommend checking out Game Music Themes. Their sheets are arranged by video game systems and they have some very cool and well-transcribed pieces. If you don't know what to check out first, I personally recommend any of the songs from the original The Sims game, in particular Building Theme 6 - The Simple Life. It is a bit of a challenge but very rewarding once you take the time to learn it.